After reading Paul Krugman' s newsletter recently about technology and productivity gains, I had some thoughts about the topic. He repeats his skepticism about cryptocurrency -- and I agree with his skepticism -- then muses on past predictions about the wonders of technology. One powerful example is the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Even twenty years after the promised date, none of the fantastic futuristic features have actually happened, except for widespread video calls. He even includes a link to a list of 100 innovations predicted by futuris t Herman Kahn in 1967, of which only one-fourth have been realized. I have long considered the futuristic promises, and the changes that effect modern life, ever since sitting through GE's Wonderful World of Tomorrow at the 1965 World's Fair. My impressionable 11-year-old mind soaked it in, considering what sort of changes really change the way we live, noting that the major seismic shifts took pl...
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