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Cruising downriver, the third day

We awoke rested – all but for Christopher who succumbed to a sore throat and fever, which we began treating immediately so he can enjoy the rest of the trip. The ship pushed off at 9AM and began the leisurely cruise downriver, north towards Cairo. The wind topside made it quite chilly so Cole and Barb opted to watch a portion of the trip from the large port hole in the minuscule fitness room while working out.
We arrived at Kom Ombo in time for a mid-morning walk to see the Temple of the Hawk and the Crocodile in the town named “the City of Gold.” The temple is unique in that it is symmetrically split for the two deities Solek (crocodile headed man/god) and Haroeris (falcon headed man/god.)
Back through the gauntlet of souvenir vendors to the boat for lunch, and then watching the passing view from the huge window in our stateroom, intermingled with napping and watching movies. Occasionally we went up top to better follow our path up the Nile to Edfu, but it was very chilly. We lasted only until sunset, then disembarked at Edfu to see the temple after dark. The temple of the falcon god Horus was beautifully presented at night as the thick relief stands out in the lights. Though many images had been defaced by various groups through the years, it is still considered one of the best preserved temples in all of Egypt.
Back on the boat, we set sail for Luxor. Intermittently along the way were Japanese water pumping stations for irrigating the bankside farmland. The highlight of the evening was going through the locks with our huge cruise ship sinking down way below the level of the street before sailing on.
Christopher continued to sleep and sleep – a result of post-exam relief and jet lag, coupled with a severe throat infection. If he had to be sick anywhere, this was the place to be, where he had an air-conditioned room with comfortable bed and endless supply of soups and yogurts to aid his sore throat.
Jeff and Cole dressed for the galabia party on board – aimed at getting people to buy the local robes and mingle a bit. Jeff wore his Indian kurta pajama and Cole wore a Palestinian scarf and headband – the ghutra. Games were played and drinks consumed as a means of passing time with our shipmates.


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